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“The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.”   Gertrude Jekyll​

Nature’s Haven provides educational opportunities to include Social Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) programmes.  STH uses plants and gardens to help people mix socially, make friends and learn practical skills whilst improving physical and mental health, as well as communication and thinking skills.


We also host events such as: 

  • Educational gardening & nutrition workshops including our popular Sow, Grow, Eat...Repeat programmes for children and adults alike.

  • ‘Fireside chats’ at our fire pit – for instance a local chef with Michelin Star experience, will give cooking demonstrations using the fruit and veg we grow in the garden; local GPs can hold a Q&A re health issues; music/choir sessions etc. 

  • Talks and demonstrations by experts in gardening, nutrition, wellness, homeopathy etc.

  • Craft workshops.

  • Herbal tea blending.

  • Flower arranging, hanging basket and wreath making using the plants in the garden.

  • Bug house/ bird nest building, bushcraft, pond dipping, competitions for the tallest/smallest/most amusing plants/veg.

  • Facilitating art classes in our gardens.

  • Corporate volunteering opportunities.

Green spaces and gardens are more vital than ever as we are experiencing an unprecedented strain on our health and welfare resources in the UK. Gardening can help everyone, regardless of age or ability. It can’t solve or make issues/problems go away but it can help us to process and deal with them, a source of activity and occupation appropriate to individual development and recovery. We strongly believe gardening gives us hope and faith in the future.

The benefits of a sustained and active interest in gardening include:•

  • Improved mental health through a sense of purpose, achievement, improved memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, language skills and socialisation

  • The opportunity to connect with others, reducing feelings of isolation or exclusion

  • Better physical health through exercise and learning how to use or strengthen muscles to improve mobility, co-ordination, balance and endurance

  • Studies have shown a slowing of the deterioration seen when someone has a degenerative illness• Acquiring new skills to improve the chances of finding employment - learn to work independently, problem solve and follow directions•

  • Just feeling better for being outside, in touch with nature and in the 'great outdoors’. 

  • The sights, smells, textures, sounds and taste help us be present in the moment. 


We are growing plants to help heal and promote healthy eating; and the bird song, running water and cosy seating areas help promote a sense of tranquillity. We use Social Therapeutic Horticulture as a holistic approach to healing mind, body and soul.  Skilled practitioners use nature, plants and gardens to work towards clinically defined goals, which will be managed in conjunction with health and care professionals. Our horticultural therapists, together with our dedicated volunteers, take a person-centred approach; working in a variety of ways - in small groups, on a 1-1 basis for people who may require additional support at times, and in larger groups, where there will be more of a focus on social interaction, group learning and facilitated discussion.


How to attend:

There are a number of different paths to our services.  If you are a health and care professional or a family member, friend or colleague of anyone you think would benefit from a dose of nature then please do get in touch with us for more information at:

Community Garden

Community Meet Ups

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Workshop Events

Field Trip

Special Events

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